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Soe lecturers the soe society logotype can be found at certain abstracts. This indicates that the presenting author has been nominated soe lecturer by their national society. For more information about the society, please visit: www.soevision.org electronic production of the abstract book by pharma service, a business unit of documedias gmbh. Copyright to all poster data resides with the respective authors. Permission should be sought for any re-use of these data. Individual authors are solely responsible for the content of their contribution. Every effort has been made to faithfully reproduce the abstracts as submitted.

However, no responsibility is assumed by the organisers for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of the rapid advances in the medical sciences, we recommend that independent verification of diagnoses or drug dosages should all be made. All material is correct at the time of print. Congress of the european society of ophthalmology (soe) 2017 10-13 june, 2017, barcelona, spain contents free paper presentations abstract no. Free paper presentations methods: cdi involved patients with malignant (n=44) and benign (n=49) intrabulbar tumors were suspected.

Patients with malignant tumours were divided into melanomas (n=28) and metastatic tumours (n=16). Univariable analysis with the logistic regression method and multivariable stepwise logis- tic regression analysis to create models testing tumour malignancy and dif- ferentiating melanoma from metastatic lesions were used. Model sensitivity and specificity were evaluated by the receiver operating characteristics curve (roc). K-fold validation was performed.

The data were analysed in statistica 12 software, and p0. Omega trust prosperity program deliveries. 05). Model sensitivity and specificity were 83.7% and 75.7%. Regular tumour surface, hypoechoic or isoechoic tumour mass differentiated melanoma and metastatic masses in re- gression model, with sensitivity of 85.2% and specificity of 75.0%. Area under curve (auc) for both models was 0.851 standard error (se) 0.041 and 0.853 se 0.063. Auc in five fold cross validation was 0.80 se 0.0477 and 0.743 se 0.094, respectively. Conclusions: arterial or mixed blood flow, regular tumour surface and tu- mour location in peripheral retina may be characteristic for malignant tu- mours. Regular tumour surface and echogenicity of tumour mass could dif- ferentiate melanoma from metastatic tumour.


Fp-opl-016 small margin excision of periocular basal cell carcinomas - 11 years follow up radwan m.1, wright m.2, peden r.3, el-medany a.2 1nhs lothian, princess alexandra eye pavilion, edinburgh, united kingdom, 2nhs lothian, edinburgh, united kingdom, 3nhs fife, dunfirmline, united kingdom purpose: to analyse the outcome of small margin (up to 2mm) excision of primary clinically well-defined peri-ocular basal cell carcinomas (bccs) at 5 years and 11 years after excision. Method: retrospective evaluation of 185 well-demarcated primary basal cell carcinomas having a minimum follow-up of 132 months. All patients un- derwent excision of the tumour with maximum margins of 2 mm. Resulting defects were, if possible, closed directly. Reconstruction of defects requiring flaps or grafts was delayed until receipt of the histological report which was obtained in all cases. Results: out of the 185 patients 69 patients were still alive after at least 11 years after the excision.

One-stage excision and direct closure was performed in 60 patients (86.9%). In 9 patients (13.04%) excision was performed on one day and reconstruction was done four days later, after receipt of the histopa- thology report. Histological assessment confirmed complete excision after the first excision in 59 (85.5%) rising to 69 (100%) after 2 excisions. The mean follow-up was 156 months. In this group of patients there was no recurrence however 6 patients noted to have developed new tumours in the other eye or the forehead. Conclusion: this is a unique study that has the longest follow up period. There has been no published work to evaluate the recurrence rate of bccs after such long period.

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